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Eta Sigma Scholarships

The Eta Sigma undergraduate and graduate members that are enrolled at Stephen F. Austin State University work extremely hard during book and bake sales to raise money for the chapter. These funds are raised to be given out as travel and research scholarships to our members. In order to receive an Eta Sigma scholarship you must be a Phi Alpha Theta Member registered through the National Office. 

The Process of Receiving an

Eta Sigma Scholarship


  1. Any member can apply for a scholarship at any point during the school year.

    1. Here is the application form.

  2. The officers will hold a meeting to discuss the application and to vote on approving or denying the application.

  3. If the member's application is denied, they will receive both a verbal and written explanation on why the application was denied.

  4. If the member's application is accepted, they will receive notification that their application was approved and a timeline of when the scholarship funds will be sent to the member.


Previous Eta Sigma Scholarships Awarded


We have not had a member apply for a scholarship yet.




When to Apply for an

Eta Sigma Scholarship


  1. You have been invited or you have accepted to present a research paper or poster at an academic or public conference.

    1. Eta Sigma can help pay for gas, food, hotel costs, plane tickets, and the registration fee to the conference. ​

  2. You need to travel to complete research for a class paper that you would like to submit to an academic conference.

    1. Eta Sigma can help pay for gas, food, and hotel costs.​

  3. You are participating in an event that is related to your research or field of study.

    1. A few examples:

      1. A public history student is going to participate in a Living History event or reenactment. ​

      2. You are aspiring to be a historian of rock climbing and you are participating in a rock climbing tournament.


*Disclaimer: Eta Sigma may not be able to cover the full or entire cost of the above items*


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